Thursday, December 31, 2009

And then there were three

Lost another roommate today, who moved to a warmer room. On Tuesday another one is going home, so there will be just one more to knock off.

Had a big ATM scare today. Went to the bank, which I later found out was named "Discount Bank" in Hebrew. For a reason. Put my ATM card in the machine, which then began wigging out. Rebooted 3 times, saw the Windows startup screen, the DOS memory check screen, and then... nothing. It died. With my card inside. I started to panic, and a woman in the line behind me tracked down someone in the bank. Turns out the bank was closed for another 2 hours, so I had to go back and sweat until 4, then run back to the bank. The ATM was then working--someone was taking out money. And my card was nowhere that I could see. Went inside, and a very nice bank guard or helper or lackey of some sort found me the guy to talk to, who then opened up the ATM from the inside and retrieved my card from its innards like Jonah from the whale. I didn't realize an ATM could swallow a card. "Looks bent" the guy said. "Maybe broken." Found another bank, and luckily it still worked.

Also, to prove that all technology hates me, my SIM card died. I'm going up to Haifa this weekend, so I actually need it for the first time, to call my contact who will pick me up at the bus station. I contacted the phone salesman, who said he'd have a new SIM card delivered between 7:30 and 8:00 that night. I waited until 8:30, then left empty-handed, because I had a reservation for the tunnel tour. I hope the Haifa bus station has pay phones.

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